Party Ballons (2015)
I performed Party Balloons (2015) in an abandoned pub in Kingston-Upon-Thames, London. This live action takes my maleness into consideration and visibly examines the metamorphosis of gender in its narrative.
Both Party Balloons (2015 & 2016) consist of humorous and futile attempts to investigate the narrative of an activity that I have been socio-politically identified with in public spaces on several occasions; the terrorist activity of bomb-making.
In these live actions, I intentionally use widely available household objects such as party balloons, hot water bottle covers, electrical tapes, clip pegs, water, a garden hose and a bucket. My aim is to transform myself into an uneasily gendered and incompetent Jihadi suicide bomber who is engaged in his-her daily activities, including making and arming a bomb vest that resembles a female’s lactating breasts
Party Balloons (2015) also investigates the tension between the territories inhabited by the performer and the spectators. In this live action the flow of water was originally intended purely for arming and inflating the balloons. However, it also subtly fills the site of the performance by gradually creeping across the floor towards the viewers, expanding the domain of the performer by pushing the spectators backwards to avoid getting wet.